What You'll Need
- the pdf of the pattern printed out & sellotaped together (see link above)
- some tracing paper to trace the size you want onto
- felt or marker pens to draw your pattern
- Sellotape if required
- about 40-50cm X 120cm cotton fabric (I used drill)
- pins
- sewing machine
- thread
- 20mm wide elastic (about 60cm)
Tracing your pattern:
Select your size from the printed Sunny Shorts PDF & trace off all pieces in the size you want.
Adding pockets to the traced pattern:
Using just the traced front of the shorts pattern draw a curved line from the shorts pattern top & the side seam. I didn't really measure it I just 'guessed' how long & wide I wanted it. The first curve will be the pocket opening. Slightly away from that curve draw another curve in the shape of a pocket. My rule of thumb was to make it about 5cm away from the first curve at the top. The square grid on the Oliver&S pattern helps to give you a general size. (See the photo for how I did it)
From the traced pattern piece trace the pocket piece only, for the facing draw from the side seam across & down the second curve & back to the side seam. For the pocket pouch trace around the first curve (pocket opening) & across & down the second curve to the side seam. (See photo for pieces)
Cutting out your shorts:
Pin all your pieces to the fabric ensuring you cut out 2 pocket pouches & 2 pocket facings. For the front slash lines to the first curve & fold the piece back so you're able to cut the curve as part of the front. (See photo)
Sewing the shorts:
Pin the pocket pouch to the front shorts piece, matching curved edges right side to right side. Pin and stitch
Place the front on the pocket facing piece matching the pocket pouch and pocket facing right sides together. (see photo) pin pocket facing and pocket pouch along outer edge and stitch.
Lay front and pocket flat, pin top of pockets and front at upper edge and side of pockets at side seam. Baste in place.
Pin & stitch front and back together at side seams as mentioned in the Oliver+S instructions, catching in the pocket sides (you should have this happen easily if you basted as I said in the step above).
Continue following the instructions in the Oliver+S pattern instructions. You should then end up with a completed shorts and be ready to do the waistband!
Continue to follow the instructions as mentioned in the pattern ensuring you catch the top of the pockets into the waistband (the basting should help) and you should have it looking like the below photo:
Follow the instructions for the waistband and you should have a completed pair of shorts with pockets like mine below! Hope this helps you to modify the Oliver+S Sunny Day Shorts Pattern.
These are a great easy pair of shorts that fit really well and you can easily whip up lots of them. If you aren't keen on doing the whole inset pockets like my instructions you could instead make patch pockets using a similar method or extending the shorts leg length and adding side pockets. If you want me to make up a tutorial for those two options just ask!
Happy Sewing
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